Old man Yu Gong’s house had two big mountains in front of it.It caused him great inconvenience.So one day he said to his family:I have decided to move those mountains. His wife said:This is impossible.We’ve lived with them a long time.Let’s just put up with it.
But the old man convinced his children to help him.
The next day they started digging using hoes and baskets,and they hauled the dirt to the sea,far far away.Day in and day out they kept digging.
A wise old man,Zhi Sou,upon seeing this said to Yu Gong:You are old; you are trying to do the impossible. Yu Gong replied:Yes,I am old and I will soon be dead,but I have children,and when they die,their children will carry on,and the mountain will get smaller and smaller.”
And so Yu Gong and his family carried on,day after day,year after year,through summer and winter,until one day,God heard about it and was so moved by his determination that he sent his two sons to take the two mountains away.
The moral of the story is that with determination anything can be achieved.
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