1、Fathers Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It is said that there was a man in Washington State who lost her mother at a young age. Six brothers and sisters were raised by their father. Her fathers self-sacrifice spirit of being both father and mother greatly touched her.
2、父亲节( Fathers Day)起源与20世纪初的美国。据说当时在华盛顿州有一个人,她年幼丧母,兄弟姐妹六人全靠父亲抚养成人。父亲的这种既为人父,又为人母的自我牺牲精神极大地感动了她。
3、When she grew up, she actively advocated Fathers Day and persuaded her fathers to pay tribute to a special service in Washington. Later, in 1916, her proposal was officially recognized by the President. Since then, Fathers Day has become a traditional festival in the United States.
4、长大后,她积极倡导父亲节,并说服当时华盛顿的Ministerial Society of Spokane作一次特殊的礼拜仪式向父亲们表达敬意。后来在1916年她的建议得到了Woodwork Wilson总统的官方承认。 从此父亲节便成为了美国的一项传统节日。
5、According to custom, on Fathers Day, children usually get up early in the morning to make a big breakfast for their fathers and bring it to their beds to thank their fathers for their nurturing. In addition, on Fathers Day, children also give gifts to their fathers, which are usually given by their fathersfavorite clothes and drinks.
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