物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分。其英文名称是“The Internet of things”。由此,顾名思义,“物联网就是物物相连的互联网”。这有两层意思:第一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;第二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信。因此,物联网的定义是通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和通信,以实现对物品的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
The Internet has been already pervasive everywhere, whereas the ubiquity of mobile devices and proliferation of wireless networks will allow everyone a permanent access to the Internet anytime and anywhere. Internet of Things is envisioned to be the third wave in the global information industry after computer, Internet and mobile communication network.
The Future Internet of Things aims at increasing the pervasiveness of the Internet by integrating every object for interaction via embedded systems. Typically, this leads to a highly distributed network of devices, which needs to communicate with human beings as well as other devices. With the increase of heterogeneity, it has become very difficult to ensure interactions with devices on a unified manner. Enabling easy convergence and interoperability of heterogeneous devices to the Internet will be the key to the success of the Future Internet of Things. Moreover, Future Internet requirements for intelligent interaction with the environment led to the emergence of wireless sensor networks connected to the Internet. There exists a need for those networks to provide their information in an interpretable form and to reduce the complexity of accessing sensor services for applications or other systems.
The challenge lies in developing and selecting the right software frameworks, architectures, and protocols to publish embedded services on Internet of things.
The journal will bring leading researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry together to facilitate sharing of applications, research results, and knowledge on Internet of Things.
The Internet of Things describes a world where humans are surrounded by machines that communicate with each other and can allow people to interact with the digital world.
To succeed in this vision, it is not only the people who need an understanding of this multi-device environment, but also the network needs a representation of “who” the user is.
SWIFT provides a solution to this problem by considering the virtual identity as the endpoint of communication,independent of the device.
The direct impact of this concept is that, in a world where humans are
surrounded by machines, it is the user’s virtual identity and digital shadow that is understood as consistent endpoint information;
allowing users to interact with several devices, seamlessly, under one name.
Users project their virtual identity onto devices in the Internet of Things by an authentication process, a temporary feeble association or a long term relation.
The authentication process will allow a user to employ the services any device, public or not, as if it were its own.
A temporary volatile type of association is also required for usability purposes.
It is often not possible to perform a strong authentication because of the nature of the device or the context in which it is being used.
This type of association, while not as secure and strong as the first, will still allow the user to perform some non-critical operations on that device.
We also envision a long term kind of association.
This type of relation should be used when the user is the owner of the device and the device is of everyday use.
We can think of a watch or phone, which, while not requiring constant authentication, is recognized by other devices as part of the user’s digital shadow.
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